History-NEWS/일본의 기원과 한국

[스크랩] 일본 야요이 문화의 시원은 한국이다. from J Hum Genet. 2006;51(1):47-58. Epub 2005 Nov 18.

monocrop 2008. 2. 10. 00:54
 Yayoi culture was brought to Japan by migrants from Korea

A theory publicized in the early Meiji period argued that the Yayoi culture was brought to Japan by migrants from Korea. Some, however, contest whether these migrants constitute modern day Koreans. Nevertheless, many Western and Japanese scholars have concluded that archaeological findings from the Yayoi period "clearly derive from Korea". These include "bunded paddy fields, new types of polished stone tools, wooden farming implements, iron tools, weaving teachnology, ceramic storage jars, exterior bonding of clay coils in pottery fabrication, ditched settlements, domesticated pigs, jawbone rituals, and megalithic tombs."

.....Historic Japanese culture evolved from at least two distinct migrations that originated on the Asian continent. Hunter-gatherers arrived before land bridges were submerged after the last glacial maximum (>12,000 years ago) and gave rise to the Jomon culture, and the Yayoi migration brought wet rice agriculture from Korea beginning approximately 2,300 years ago.

Yayoi migration brought wet rice agriculture from Korea beginning approximately 2,300 years ago


출전-J Hum Genet. 2006;51(1):47-58. Epub 2005 Nov 18.

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